Air Bud | Full Movie | Movies Anywhere
Air Bud
Air Bud
- PG
- 1h 38m
- 1997
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Buddy, the sensational real-life hoop hound with 22,000 career baskets under his collar, stars in this hilarious and touching movie. When Josh Framm, a 12-year-old boy, finds himself in a new city with no friends, he's too shy to try out for the basketball team. However, while practicing, he meets Buddy, a runaway golden retriever, who surprises him with his ability to score baskets. Josh and Buddy eventually make the school team, and the dog's extraordinary talents spark a media frenzy -- one that attracts Buddy's greedy former owner (Michael Jeter), who wants to cash in on the dog's notoriety. Boy and dog must keep one step ahead of the brute -- while at the same time rallying their school team to the state finals!
© 1997 Buddy Films, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Rotten Tomatoes® Score
Critics Consensus: Air Bud's wacky concept isn't entirely enough to fill a feature-length film, but this rather silly family-friendly outing is partly redeemed by its extremely charming title character.
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Additional Info
- Genre:Comedy, Family, Drama
- Release Date:August 1, 1997
- Languages:English, Spanish
- Captions:English, Spanish
- Audio Format:Stereo
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