Phantom of the Paradise | Full Movie | Movies Anywhere
Phantom of the Paradise
Phantom of the Paradise
- PG
- 1h 32m
- 1974
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Composer Winslow Leach (William Finley) is determined to seek revenge on Swan (Williams), an evil record tycoon who steals his pop cantana of the Faust legend to launch his enemy's palace as the mysterious Phantom of the Paradise and continues to plan his gruesome retaliation.
© 1974 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation.
Rotten Tomatoes® Score
Critics Consensus: Brian De Palma's subversive streak is on full display in Phantom of the Paradise, an ebullient rock opera that rhapsodizes creativity when it isn't seething with disdain for the music industry.
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Additional Info
- Genre:Horror, Comedy, Fantasy
- Release Date:October 31, 1974
- Languages:English
- Captions:English, Spanish
- Audio Format:5.1
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