Oliver Twist | Full Movie | Movies Anywhere
Oliver Twist
Oliver Twist
- PG-13
- 1h 40m
- 2005
Roman Polanski directs the classic Charles Dickens' story of a young orphan boy who gets involved with a gang of pickpockets in 19th Century London. Abandoned at an early age, Oliver Twist (Barney Clark) is forced to live in a workhouse lorded over by the awful Mr. Bumble, who cheats the boys of their meager rations. Desperate yet determined, Oliver makes his escape to the streets of London. Penniless and alone, he is lured into a world of crime by the sinister Fagin (Academy-Award® winner Sir Ben Kingsley) -- the mastermind of a gang of pint-sized pickpockets. Oliver's rescue by the kindly Mr. Brownlow is only the beginning of a series of adventures that lead him to the promise of a better life.
© 2005 Oliver Twist Productions LLP. All Rights Reserved.
Rotten Tomatoes® Score
Critics Consensus: Polanski's version of Dickens' classic won't have audiences asking for more because while polished and directed with skill, the movie's a very impersonal experience.
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Additional Info
- Genre:Drama, Family
- Release Date:September 23, 2005
- Languages:English
- Captions:English, Spanish
- Audio Format:5.1
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